Integrate Cardano
Here we show you how to integrate Cardano into existing websites and services.
Integration Components
- Overview of the different Cardano components.
- cardano-node is the top level for the node and aggregates the other components from other packages: consensus, ledger and networking, with configuration, CLI, logging and monitoring.
- cardano-wallet helps you manage ada. You can use it to send and receive payments on the Cardano blockchain via a http and cli interface.
- cardano-db-sync follows the Cardano chain and takes information from the chain and an internally maintained copy of ledger state. Data is then extracted from the chain and inserted into a PostgreSQL database.
- cardano-graphql a cross-platform, typed, and queryable API for Cardano.
- cardano-rosetta a multi-platform implementation of Rosetta for Cardano, targeting the version defined in the OpenApi schema.
- cardano-addresses provides mnemonic (backup phrase) creation, and conversion of a mnemonic to seed for wallet restoration, and address derivation functionalities.
- Explore Cardano wallets - learn how to create a Cardano wallet, receive test ada and create basic transactions.
- Multi-witness transactions - learn how to create transactions with multiple inputs and one output.
- Listening for ada payments using cardano-cli - how to listen to a specific address using cardano-cli.
- Listening for ada payments using cardano-wallet - how to listen to a specific address using cardano-wallet.
- Testnet Faucet - a service that provides test ada (tAda) to users of the Cardano testnets.
- Sample queries for cardano-rosetta.
- Sample queries for cardano-graphql.