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Wallets Integration

With Mesh, you can initialize a new wallet with:

Browser Wallet

Browser Wallet is use for connecting, queries and performs wallet functions in accordance to CIP-30, which defines the API for dApps to communicate with the user's wallet.

To use Browser Wallet is simple, just import BrowserWallet execute the APIs, for example:

// import BrowserWallet
import { BrowserWallet } from '@meshsdk/core';

// connect to a wallet
const wallet = await BrowserWallet.enable('eternl');

// get assets in wallet
const assets = await wallet.getAssets();
Get installed walletsBrowserWallet.getInstalledWallets();
Connect walletconst wallet = await BrowserWallet.enable('eternl');
Get balanceconst balance = await wallet.getBalance();
Get change addressconst changeAddress = await wallet.getChangeAddress();
Get network IDconst networkId = await wallet.getNetworkId();
Get reward addressesconst rewardAddresses = await wallet.getRewardAddresses();
Get used addressesconst usedAddresses = await wallet.getUsedAddresses();
Get unused addressesconst unusedAddresses = await wallet.getUnusedAddresses();
Get UTXOsconst utxos = await wallet.getUtxos();
Sign dataconst addresses = await wallet.getUsedAddresses(); const signature = await wallet.signData(addresses[0], 'mesh');
Sign transactionconst signedTx = await wallet.signTx(tx, partialSign?);
Submit transactionconst txHash = await wallet.submitTx(signedTx);
Get lovelaceconst lovelace = await wallet.getLovelace();
Get assetsconst assets = await wallet.getAssets();
Get policy IDsconst policyIds = await wallet.getPolicyIds();
Get collection of assetsconst assets = await wallet.getPolicyIdAssets('64af2...42');

Definitely do check out the Mesh Playground for live demo and full explanation.

App Wallet

App Wallet is use for building transactions in your applications. You can import App Wallet with:

import { AppWallet } from '@meshsdk/core';

Generate a new wallet

import { AppWallet } from '@meshsdk/core';

const mnemonic = AppWallet.brew();

Load with Cardano CLI generated keys

import { AppWallet } from '@meshsdk/core';

const wallet = new AppWallet({
networkId: 0,
fetcher: blockchainProvider,
submitter: blockchainProvider,
key: {
type: 'cli',
payment: '5820aaca553a7b95b38b5d9b82a5daa7a27ac8e34f3cf27152a978f4576520dd6503',
stake: '582097c458f19a3111c3b965220b1bef7d548fd75bc140a7f0a4f080e03cce604f0e',

Load with mnemonic phrases

import { AppWallet } from '@meshsdk/core';

const wallet = new AppWallet({
networkId: 0,
fetcher: blockchainProvider,
submitter: blockchainProvider,
key: {
type: 'mnemonic',
words: ["solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution"],

Load with private keys

import { AppWallet } from '@meshsdk/core';

const wallet = new AppWallet({
networkId: 0,
fetcher: blockchainProvider,
submitter: blockchainProvider,
key: {
type: 'root',
bech32: 'xprv1cqa46gk29plgkg98upclnjv5t425fcpl4rgf9mq2txdxuga7jfq5shk7np6l55nj00sl3m4syzna3uwgrwppdm0azgy9d8zahyf32s62klfyhe0ayyxkc7x92nv4s77fa0v25tufk9tnv7x6dgexe9kdz5gpeqgu',

Check out the Mesh Playground for live demo and full explanation.